© W.Bleisteiner/ORPHEUS

EU project ORPHEUS shows object-based media innovations at workshop in Munich on 15 May

Imagine you could adapt the length of a radio documentary as you require or listen to a radio drama from the positions of different protagonists in the play. These and many more personalised, immersive listener experiences become possible due to a novel technological concept called object-based media, which will fundamentally change the production and user experience of radio broadcasts and multimedia productions. Key tools and apps for implementing object-based media for audio...

JPEG XS as an input format in a software-plugin for Adobe Premiere Pro CC with real-time playback capability of 4k60p UHD

JPEG XS – Image coding for video over IP transmission in production quality

[caption id="attachment_1285" align="alignleft" width="300"] JPEG XS as an input format in a software-plugin for Adobe Premiere Pro CC with real-time playbackcapability of 4k60p UHD[/caption] With ever-increasing amounts of data from higher resolution and dynamic range in videos, long-distance transmission from coax cables in studios will soon become outdated. At the same time, production companies and studios are trying to substitute specialized cables and switches for video...