The Hamburg-based company, which develops software tools for creating and authoring multichannel and immersive audio, launched the SAD Version 2 upgrade at the beginning of January. SAD V2 is a plug-in for any digital audio workstation (DAW) and offers a complete MPEG-H real-time workflow. Thanks to its intuitive user interface, audio and music producers can keep working with MPEG-H Audio without changing their established work processes. Tom Ammermann, general manager of New Audio...
Sony Introduces All New “360 Reality Audio” Based on MPEG-H
Sony is working with major music labels, music distribution services1 and other organizations to provide the technology for building a musical ecosystem around 360 Reality Audio, which will include the creation, distribution and playing of music content. Meanwhile, Sony is working to promote this new music experience to music creators, artists, and music fans, looking to create an entirely new...